Rain Stopped Play

Rain Stopped Play - Flash Day 2
Spent the morning tiding the workshop. It had become a dumping ground from before and after our holiday. I wanted to continue with using the flash guns in an attempt to force the knowledge back into my brain (I think I am on to a looser there!) and had identified a Hosta in the front garden to use as my subject. I got every thing ready and thought I would have an afternoon cup of tea before going out to it. That was a mistake as it started to rain.

Not being put off and as it was John Lennon 81st birthday on the 9th I got my Beatles Russian dolls (or more correctly Matryoshka dolls) out to use as a Flash Tabletop exercise. I set them up on my useful blue table in the classic Beatles Line Up.

Today I wanted to use my Yongnuo YN-600EX-RT flash and Radio Trigger YN-E3-RT. I always get confused linking them up and today was no exception. Its a ‘me’ problem - not the flash system :(

I set everything up and balanced the daylight exposure for the details in the highlight (Top Picture) and then added fill-in flash that was mounted to the right of my camera with a Lasolite Micro Apollo (small) flash diffuser (Brilliant bit of kit).  I took +1, +2 and +3 stops Exposure compensation. I was shooting Manual exposure on the camera and ETTL on the Flash. 

Here comes the 3 Bears story :-

I found the +3 was a bit too much, you could see the effect of the flash gun a bit too much. The +1 stop was not enough but the +2 was ‘Just right’ - on the back screen.

Thats the bottom photo. Neither have any post adjustments in Lightroom. The bottom picture would be improved a bit with processing.

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