The end of the day

My life follows a fairly simple pattern.

Wake up and read newspaper - get angry with idiots in government
Calm down by walking the dog
Breakfast while work computer boots
Lunch and French beginner's puzzle
Walk dog
Walk dog
Watch TV and try to avoid falling a sleep

The dog walking takes up about 2 hours, but it does at the moment feel good, it's still dry and the dog is always happy to see me and while he's not the best conversationalist, he doesn't care what I say or how bad my French is. I really should stop reading the newspaper, it only stresses me out....!

This evening's back blip is the sun setting behind some clouds from the evening dog walk. It's not very red because I'm in a bit of a dip so the sun isn't actually that low relative to the horizon, rather I'm low relative to the horizon.

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