I am back…

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the absence… I promise I will daily blip at least until I don’t… 

So, what has been happening? Well, I have been working a crazy amount to get the YouTube channel monetized. I am still not quite there but should jump over the last hurdle next Monday. I will then have to apply to YouTube and once approved go through all the videos and select to have adverts or not. As I have nearly 80 videos now so it will keep me busy for a full day once approved.

I have been approved my Amazon for affiliate marketing and have had to change every single video to have the links in… I should have that done by the end of tomorrow… to date I have earnt a whopping £0.92. I guess I have proved it does work…

My daughter is okay in California, I am not sure if she is coming back or not… She gets a little touchy then I talk about it for some reason, so I am keeping it zipped for the time being… 

Nothing else to report… I hope you all are okay…

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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