Wide Wednesday...Geometric/Architectural

Not sure if this fits the brief, St Josep's a church just a few minutes away around the corner. Sime of the stained glass windows are covered in thick polythene but I have no idea why .Part of a description I found was..a carefully detailed perpendicular Gothic design,  built with the support of two local wealthy Catholic families. In 1877/1879...thanks Steveng for hosting

I can't change the style of type!!

Cancelled the plumber yesterday, as it got to 6.30 and he was still on a job....too late for me to have someone working in the house, hopefully he will be here early this evening. I haven't assembled the TV yet, went out early and bought a cordless screw driver, a bit late in the day, but finished off the unit, cooked a big pan of chilli and vegetable mince and decided that was enough for today.  My backache yesterday was horrendous, but much better today thank goodness.
Thanks for all the kind comments and stars x

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