
It's been a lovely and busy day today. I had a extra wildling this morning while my friend went to work for a while. He's the same age as Xander. They all played on their tablets for a while and coloured in. 

After lunch the Wildlings played out in the street for a while with one of the neighbourhood kids and then we were only back in the hose half an hour when the new family came and knocked at the door to see if we wanted to go back outside. They all played at the park and then we set up the bike ramp and got the bikes and scooters and gokarts out. They were outside for nearly another two hours. 

The Jedi had another play on his bike. It's new for him but I got it for Lincoln when he was wee so it's done really well and is still in great nick. I cannot turn my back on that child or he is off running or trying to eat stones and stuff !! . 

They have all just finished dinner and I'm now trying to catch up on the house before the routine of bedtime comes around. 

I also called the specialist in Glasgow to see when I have my appointment for my shoulder, they offered me Monday but we're busy so I've accepted a appointment for a couple of weeks time. It's shocking that with NHS and how understaffed and busy they are I could be waiting another year or more again to see them. But going private I can be seen within a week. I'm so thankful we have this insurance as I cannot wait another year. 

Thanks for all your comments on my moody batman. I did get fun shots of him but he wanted a serious one 

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