Space: The Open Frontier

On This Day In History
1947: Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier

Quote Of The Day
"Rules are made for people who aren't willing to make up their own."
(Chuck Yeager)

A day for heroes. Chuck Yeager ........ and Captain Kirk! I pulled a late shift to watch William Shatner make history as the oldest man to make the trip into space, and choked back tears along with the man himself as he delivered a moving account of the experience upon his safe return. This on the day (Japan time, at least) that the great Chuck Yeager made history - in a less publicly vaunted way - as the first man to break the sound barrier in the Glamorous Glennis X-1 vehicle. Fantastic!

While many nay-sayers are downplaying the significance of Shatner's flight, I see it as a significant first step towards making space flight available to the masses, and I have no doubt that I will follow the Shat's footsteps within my lifetime, and perhaps go even further. To the Moon, I hope.

Now, can Elon Musk get Mark Hammill to Mars? As Yoda would say, "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

The Human Adventure Is Just Beginning

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