The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

At Kirkwall Harbour

This is the final weekend of the lighthouse trail: fifty 2.5 metre lighthouses and ninety smaller lighthouses have been on display across the NE of Scotland and the northern isles. At the end of the project they will be auctioned in aid of Clan Cancer support.

This lighthouse design, by Steve Johnson, is called Two Worlds, One Scotland. It shows the array of experiences to be enjoyed above and below the water.

After a coffee and cake for elevenses S and I enjoyed a walk round the outskirts of Kirkwall. It was one of those days when the weather couldn't be predicted - bright one moment, overcast and threatening the next. We got caught in quite a heavy hail shower, but once it passed the breeze dried us off, more or less. 

Note to self - my waterproof shoes are not

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