Emergency ...........

 ............ blip aka EB.    

Since Himself had the numerous TIAs and strokes his memory gets a bit muddled so everything has to be labelled if he wants to do any cooking  - not that much these days but he still makes a mean "from scratch" chicken curry  -   this is what I lovingly call the herb & spice cupboard (pretty obvious really or, as we say in this house, "No sh*t, Sherlock?") and, as you can see, almost everything is already named or labelled accordingly.  A metre (3' 3" wide) of "stuff".

It may look a bit random to you but if you ask me to get out the dill or the tarragon (and it's not on the front row) I can put my hand straight on to the jar top - second row, bottom shelf, 4 & 5 from the right if you're interested!!!  :o))

My new kitchen cupboards go right up to the ceiling (no dust collection or spiders lurking up there now - yay) so I have to have a little stepladder to get to the stuff on the very top shelf (I'm 5' 2") so right up top are the new, replacement jars and refills.

Not sure why I'm telling you all this but there it is - emergency blip for today - Saturday shelves!

Smile for the Day:

A man comes in from work after a long day at the office ......

His wife greets him "Hello darling, how was your day?"
"No time for that," he replies. "Just get me a cup of tea before it starts!"

Confused, the wife hurries to make a cup of tea.
She gives him the cup. He stretches out on the sofa, and sips the tea.

"What did you mean, 'befor
e it starts'?" She asked.

"Not now, quickly, get me some dinner before it starts!"

She rushes to the kitchen and prepares his food. He gobbles down his dinner, burps loudly and says  "Go get me a beer, fast!"

She complains "Now one min---"
"No time," he interrupts. "It's nearly starting!"

So off she goes, and brings him a cold beer.
He gulps the beer down, belches, and says "Quick, go get me some cigarettes. It's nearly starting."

The wife loses her patience.

"How dare you sit there on the sofa while I run backwards and forwards into the kitchen fetching you this, that and the other.
I work like a slave in this house, you never thank me or appreciate me - you just sit there all evening burping, drinking and smoking while I ............ "

The man sighed.
"Oh dear, it's started!"


~ Anni ~

This is Saturday uploaded on Sunday.

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