A pink ribbon to navigate!

Mono Monday this week is to do with 20century inventions!  Here you have the, nowadays , indispensable satnav with a lady telling you where to go!   This relies on a number of satellites placed strategically above the earth so that any point can be picked out to within a couple of centimetres!   

It was first mooted by the Americans with military purposes in mind in 1973. All 24 satellites being in service and working in 1978.
It took a while longer to be installed in cars etc. I remember having a presatellite, portable one onto which we would download the data for France to use in our car over there! 
In car systems started much earlier but we’re not linked to satellite technology.  
Nowadays other countries have the satellite functionality: China, Russia, and Europe ….

We left our son’s just before 10 this morning and out first stop was at Grantham wherewe had an early lunch of cottage pie and veg, very good!, and then went on in the rain to Ferry-bridge services for a quick stop before completing the journey in pelting rain!   Here we are on St. Peter’s way coming in to Bolton.  You can just make out the Parish church.    There was quite a lot of traffic, plenty of lorries!  And loads of spray!  

Since getting home the girls have brought me a birthday cake they made!  Gold dust and hundreds and thousands to decorate!   They sung ‘Happy birthday ‘ to me and helped me eat a good half!   It was very good!  Then we had an impromptu concert.   I’m so lucky!

I’ve opened lots of cards that arrived while we were away too! I still have two little presents from a friend to open!   

I added a pink ribbon for BCAM! So please could you click on this link and then on the pink bar: "Click to give - It's free!"  This is to help towards funding mammograms for people who can't afford them and don't have the NHS we have.

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