
By MollyG

Mono Monday Teacake

Chocolate coated marshmallow biscuits appear in many guises in many different countries, and have been commercially produced since the beginning of the 20th century. Tunnock’s teacakes, now something of a Scottish icon, were  developed in 1956 by Boyd Tunnock who made a biscuit base, piped Italian meringue onto the base and covered it in chocolate. 

Apparently Tunnock’s teacakes have been banned by the RAF after some of the tasty treats, much loved by the pilots to keep them sustained during the rigours of high altitude flying, were left unwrapped and they exploded as the air pressure changed at altitude, splattering windscreens and instruments with chocolate and shredded marshmallow.

The Blip shows the low calorie version - since it is actually a cushion.  It also seems to be dark chocolate, a fairly new innovation I suspect. Always milk chocolate in my youth!

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