
By emmacooperx

The start of Spring?

Of course, it wasn't the start of spring, but at least a little bit of sunshine came to Le Puy today.

My morning lessons went pretty well. One of my BTS students gave me his number - hilarious. Otherwise I helped Yolande in the computer room so no stressful STMG for me!

When I was leaving school I bumped into Ludovic who suggested we go for an afternoon walk as the sun was shining. We then bumped into Thibault who we also invited. After a casual lunch we headed off to the banks of the Loire for a little stroll. The sun had gone in but the sky was still blue. I've decided to blip Thibault just to spite him. His revelation that he thinks the digital camera is the worst ever invention was a little awkward in front of someone who is now in the habit of snapping everything I see. Must remember to defend myself to him sometime!

The walk was nice. Did some shopping with Ludovic and Elsa and went back to theirs for dinner. We had tea and real McVities chocolate digestives. And foie gras. And lots of soup (three different types!) We watched some FPCFPC and later some Game of Thrones (but shh, that's a secret!)

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