Before the Storm

Yes, it's the Hessbachtal valley again. The weather forecast promises strong gales for the next couple of days, so I thought I'd better blip another panorama now, while most leaves are still on the trees.

There’s good news, too. One of the agents I phoned last week came up trumps, and organized a live-in carer for my mother. 
She (the carer) is a lovely woman from Romania. The only catch: She has worked only for Italian families so far. Although her son lives in Germany and speaks the language fluently (I talked to him), she only knows a few German words. We communicate in a mixture of her rudimentary German and my only slightly less rudimentary Italian, which is quite funny, but not exactly comprehensive.

Still, it’s great to have her there, even if it’s mostly for the night shift. Frau G and I will take turns staying in the house as well, and look after my mother during the days. 

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