Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Hiding in plain sight

 I think he thinks he’s blending in - like urban camouflage for cats, but then again you never know - our feline friends inhabit other worlds, dimensions we can’t see. That’s why some people find cats a bit … weird. Spooky even. 

Today I worked hard, was good but didn’t have much fun. Can’t have it all every day. Mrs B, the diminutive but high power wonder woman who does for us once a week came. Like an angel sent by the powers that clean she removed the thick layer of brick dust that had spread throughout the house, soothed our anxieties, and restored us to a sense of order. 

It turned very cold very suddenly today. I was glad of my new winter coat. I drank my daily coffee sitting outside the bookshop but even in direct sunshine my legs were chilled. Time to dig out the man tights …

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