White kunzea

Native flowers are going berserk around here, meaning in Sydney Park. So beautiful and a great variety. This little kunzea, a member of the myrtaceae family, has flowers about 1.5cm in diameter. My aim is to post native flowers for as long as they're having their season.

My first extra is a native bee on a white callistemon, also a member of the myrtaceae family. Just look at the pollen it's gathered in its saddle bags. A magnificent bounty to take back to the hive.

My second extra is an unusually large poppy, about 10cm diameter. The magenta and white colour of the petals is also unusual.

Thank you for all your concern for Smokey. All I wanted was a prescription for more of her anti inflammatory medication because I'd run out, but I couldn't get any without a consultation, and once there a blood test. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with her, other than her arthritis, and her bloods were normal. She'll be 14 on 5 November and while she's around I will keep her comfortable, and that includes as few visits to the vet as possible. Today she's quite chipper, with her usual good appetite. She returns your love.

Thanks for hosting BikerBear. Stay well all.

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