Every Picture Tells .....


Stand and deliver


I went into Elland this afternoon to drop off some things at the charity shop and to send a parcel. I was accosted by these two ladies who were braving the weather in order to collect money for charity. 

They were creating excitement for passing drivers who were honking horns as well as stopping and donating money. It seems to have become an annual event and is organised by the Anon lingerie shop on Victoria Road.

My trip to the charity shop was only partly successful. They took clothes and bric-a-brac but didn't want a bagful of virtually new office stationery and folders. The Post Office was also closed [at 3.00 pm] so I had to go to a different one.

The tree fellers have been busy making a racket with their chain saws and shredders. A large poplar tree at the back of the neighbours garden is no more.

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