Lines are made to be crossed. Borders Pushed.

End of.

In other news (extra) Portobello play date, Mrs FP being trained by Schnauzers. Met up with friends including the honourable blipper Lady Marchmont  and her owner Archie, along with Mable, Murdo, Piper, Murphy. Riley.

As the dogs chased each other daft on the beach I was chatting to a young lady who also had a Schnauzer with her on the prom.  She was asking about Murdo so I pointed out his parents Mable and Murphy. Her jaw dropped.

"Thee Mable and Murphy?" she asked. Turns out her dog is Murdo's sister. A very very lively family reunion ensued...What a co-incidence.

Then another. We went for a coffee. Turns out one of Mable and Murphy's owner's work colleagues was one of Archie's dog walkers!

Thanks to Lady M, Mrs FP apologises for not saying goodbye properly - she was too busy with the dogs to realise you had reached your turn. 

The funky nature of the shots - SD card failing, tried recovery of something by over-processing. Bummer - biggest capacity SD card I have.

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