
I had just dropped Dan off to pick up his truck. No school today as a late case of covid wasn't able to be contact traced in time so we all stayed home today. I can't say I'm sorry as this past week was a very rough one. A lot of people needed this extra day.
I stopped at the town dock to see what I could see. This empty bottle of champagne caught my eye. If I had had champagne last night I would have had some too when I found out school had been canceled...lol.
It will remain a mystery as to who was celebrating.
The extra is from the bridge and showing the much reduced leaf coverage now. The morning was rainy and overcast but became quite sunny in the afternoon. I had to wear my sun hat while I was out planting tulip bulbs.
It was a very productive day as I also got the winter coop ready to move the chickens over... hopefully tomorrow.

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