Sunset sunbeams

After my sunsrise sunbeams on Tuesday I have a sunset sunbeams shot from this evening.

I was in the office quite earlier which was good. I had the opportunity to print off one of my local country park shots from a few weeks ago onto A0 paper. I need some minor tweaks on the tone density but it looks quite impressive. I had to increase the pixel count by about 50% and print at 200 dpi rather than 300, but, when viewed from a distance, you can't tell. I expect it will be on the office wall next week with a request for half a dozen more. It was suggested today that I change throughout the year.

Was late leaving because of a presentation to one our staff who was retiring after 44 years work in the same organisation. Quite an achievement!

This shot was taken not far from home.

Initial adjustments were done in LR (minor sharpening and adjustment of the range to prevent clipping). Mono conversion in SFXPro (fairly basic - just contrast and structure) and then some tweaking of the sky and some of the highlights in PS using a grey layer mask in screen blend mode and some local editing in the mask on the sky and sheep to darken and lighten. finally a small amount of vignette to darken the corners.

Today is a proxy Friday - so have a great blipping weekend!

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