The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy


Today has been a girls day (well girls and struan and grandad), first a wee turn on my bike and play at the play park with grandad and Rosie woof woof. Then a date with mama at soft play where we had a cup of tea and scone together and was very civilised.. mama normally hates soft play but even she says today was surprisingly lovely!

Then when I got back to granny's struan mirren and auntie yeah yeah (gillian) were there and he taught me a great game where you get blindfolded and shout out Marco polo, was very funny to watch the silly walks everyone did when they couldn't see...

As if that wasn't enough fun for one day, we met up with auntie Sarah, maura and mirren for a walk in the woods only to find lots of fairies, dwarfs, bears and snow white! I couldn't resist giving snow white a cuddle!

Did lots of playing back at maura and mirrens house too so really a great day and I'm now in bed looking forward to painting tomorrow!

Extra photos are me cuddling Rosie (now lots of coughing as a result) and playing with Mirren

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