Asian cookery

Youngest is a bit obsessed with Asian food at the moment so today we went to the Chinese supermarket. Unfortunately, the Chinese supermarket looked like it was winding down. Most of the fresh produce fridges were empty, about half the freezers were empty, most of the shelves were half stocked. The nice lady at the checkout (who I had a confusing conversation with about red bean paste and condensed milk) told me that no, they weren't closing down, they were waiting. I've seen so many shops 'waiting' but I'm not sure I understand why. I'm confused as to whether it's Brexit or COVID, though I suspect the former. 

We managed to get some rice flour and made these Nutella filled balls (couldn't get red bean paste). They were okayish. I quite like the cooked rice flour texture with the black sesame seeds but where the dough was thicker it was uncooked and a bit blurgh. The Nutella was good, obviously :-)

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