Power cut!

Shortly after we woke up the lights went out and an efficient notification by text told us that there would be no power until 2pm.  Bad enough to have cold breakfast on the weekend but no coffee? So Vikram rigged up the barbecue and we had coffee and toast and eggs!  All very efficient and fun.  Then Joe, Manda and I planted crocuses before going off to Blackmoor’s apple farm to try and recapture a half remembered visit as a child.  Big mistake,  it was a stall with an honesty box in a car park.  Still we managed to get the most delicious bag of apples, Royal Norfolk Russet, like a cross between a cox and a russet so maybe it was worth the trip.  
Then we all piled in the car and went to West Wittering for an invigorating walk on the beach. 

Dinner was sausages and slaw from Diana Henry and apple crumble with my quince!  The only one that made it onto the plate. 

A very autumn day. 

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