Always Listen....

... when they tell you what they are doing!

'I'm making a fruit salad,'  she said.

'That's nice,' I replied.

I then discovered she'd mixed all the Play-Doh, in with the dried beans and pasta that she'd got at craft, last week.

Didn't take me long to separate it, sort of.

She's spent a lot of time today playing on her own.  I love to hear her chattering away to her toys.

My husband took her down to the park to play with her new frisbee.  She also had a go on the swings and the slide whilst there.

Gave me a few minutes peace.

Funniest moment today.

I was knitting, when I said out loud, 'Oh, I've dropped a stitch.'

Mia came over and said,'  Where is it?  I'll help you find it Grandma.'

How I wish they could stay this innocent forever.

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