Happy Birthday, Xmas

I took half a day off from work today to make sure I could give Xmas a good day. I am going out with some old friends tonight and it's Xmas' birthday, so it was important to me, that he had a special day. 

So we have been training and we have been out for a beautiful sunny walk. And Xmas and Tango have had time to play too. 

I used some of my training time today on filming clips of Xmas' new Freestyle routine and I have now edited them together to make a film of his first routine. You can see it here!  We are far from being ready to perform it for real, but I thought it was nice to have a video of his level on his first birthday. 

Xmas had an extra Birthday present today - you can see it in the extra. It is a squeaky carrot like the one he wanted to steal from Mocca a while back :-)

Time to get ready to go out again.

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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