The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild


Working from home has its advantages and disadvantages. Distraction is something that plagues my life, stealing precious time from my writing and constant search for film funding.

Today, my daughter needed to go search through the dusty boxes of vintage and used clothing at her favorite warehouse. Since she is a non-driving licensed New Jersey driver, I am her cabbie.

The folks at Udelco know us now, and do not mind us rummaging about for a couple of hours. We are both regulars, whether I like it or not.

Once my eyes started to burn and my sinuses got good and stuffy from the cigarette smoke of the owner and his main employee, I started drifting in and out of reality.

When I came upon this velveteen encrusted retriever, standing on a saucer atop some sort of cup, I stopped short, grabbed my iPhone, and took this photo.

My inner child spoke to me in wonder. "Why, Mel? What, Mel? Is it me, or is this wrong?"

That's when I decided to share this with the Blip-world. Maybe someone else can help me make sense out of this nonsense.

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