Late walk

Volunteering shift this morning - so much to learn and get my head round. Google docs and working off a lap top being challenging? However I’ll do what I can and don’t have to take any of the worry or stress home with me.

In the afternoon OH was taking his Mum out for a walk on her new hip so I decided to do a river walk while he was out. The weather was a bit grey but I had a podcast and managed to clock up 12,000 steps. After a sedentary morning I felt better.

Home for a hour relaxing before dinner but late afternoon TV is dire so I think I might have to consider plan B as the winter approaches and the afternoons get darker?

I had a phone call from my other volunteering who are in the process of appointing a new Director - it’s a very democratic process with everyone having a voice and an opinion - very long winded for a job probably nobody wants?!? Certainly not me.

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