Hearth and Home and Carol's Kitchen...

We all have a friend like this...I'm sure. And should you not...I hope will have one soon! I cook...I plan my menu, I go shopping, get home and start chopping, dicing, slicing and...whoa!!!! I forgot to get that one key ingredient, whatever it is. Hmmm...another compromised recipe I will have to save via improvisation. But Carol...that woman can make a meal with 2 minutes notice. I'm not sure how she does it. In fact, not a one of us can figure it out. I have this image of Carol showing up at someone's house, preferably ours, opening her purse and insto presto! Pheasant under glass! Layer cake! Roasted potatoes! This is almost what she did the other night at my place when we (the OG Girls) had dinner together. She walks into the house and in 2 minutes flat the most delicious aroma is wafting through my house. I walk into the kitchen and there is Carol...melting butter, tossing in olive oil, sautéing artichoke hearts, squeezing lemons...if we weren't hungry before -- well -- we sure are now!, after a full action packed non-stop day of hunting down all sorts of goodies in NJs antique, junk and thrift shops, my sister, Liza, and I stop by Carol's with some tulips to thank her for last night's delicious meal. No sooner have we walked through the door than she is inviting us in to join Mike and her for dinner. (There is just no saying "no" to an invitation from Carol and Mike.) This blip is looking into her kitchen from just outside...the welcome glow of the light in this photo perfectly captures the cozy welcome awaiting when you walk inside.

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