
By stujphoto

Evening Treescape

This afternoon seeing that it was high tide and realising that the river, Biel Water just down the road from us, should therefore be quite still, I rushed down there to take one or two photographs. However. the sun was still relatively high in the sky and very bright which meant that it was almost impossible to take good reflective images. The wind was also disturbing the water surface.

I therefore looked the other way at the trees against the bluish sky. Inevitably I ended up taking pictures of my favourite tree which is just in the bottom corner of the paddock to the back of our property. However on this occasion I was taking it from the other side of the wall. Although I had my widest angle lens with me I found I was backing down to the very edge of the river bank to take from a very low angle.

When I got back home and brought up my images on the computer I realised the problems of shooting from such a low angle with a wide angle lens. The end of the wall was bending in quite unnaturally and all the buildings in the background were bending in alarmingly from the other side of the image. For the very first time in my photographic career I was having the use the warp feature of Photoshop to straighten up my image.

I decided in the end to go for a monochrome version of the image as it was easier to add contrast and drama to the image, particularly in the textures of the wall.

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