Come into the Garden

By aprecious


My people are busy.

Therefore a dog must make her own fun.

My own fun involves hurdling the ferret whilst chomping the jelly baby with gay abandon.

Fly ears. Fly!

I may actually be in the dog house. Whilst I was ferreting our my ferret (see above) from under the sink I may have inadvertently switched off the fridge. If I did not mean to do it, is it my fault I may have 'ruined' the lunch?

I don't think so. Do you?

This weekend I will mostly be swimming, doing that which cannot be named and helping my brother-in-law move house. When I say helping I mean contributing the following: "I think that box should go there" and "Have you considered packing those books in that one?" I am sure he will consider this a useful contribution.

I may also drink a glass or three of wine.

Have a lovely long weekend one and all.

Edit: I've changed the photo so these words don't make any sense! Original Image and here for your delectation, the The wider context of this shot :))

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