
By Grammy

Love These Birdies

Cloudy and mild today but a nasty storm is rolling in with wind, rain and coastal flooding. My sister and BIL are heading home to protect their property. Sleep is a premium these days. I consider an hour here or there a bonus. No luck today. Hubby has been really sick since yesterday. Hopefully, the nausea is under control and I believe the reflux is better but the terrible knee pain is steady. The meds make him loopy so I do not dare let him out of my sight. He goes back to PT tomorrow; maybe they will have advice. IF the storm isn’t too bad to go out. During hubby’s short nap, I slipped out and fed the birds. This little wren appeared soon after I got back to the kitchen. Many mornings, we are serenaded by its melody. Thanks for the visit and lovely comments. Stay safe out there. “Here are 5 tips from a house wren:
Look for the unusual when you want to stand out in a crowd.
Sometimes you have to be impractical to make a statement.
Don’t do what everyone else does…that may not be enough.
Don’t be too afraid to try something new.
Keep the end result in mind.” - Patti Barnes

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