
By AnnieBScotland

what do you make...

of this?

went out for an early morning walk with a friend who has some bird feeders in the woods that she keeps stocked up. I tried to get some shots but of course the wee birds are so hungry and so fast that I came home expecting to delete everything. and I nearly did, but this picture of a robin at a feeder has me intrigued - obviously it is just coming in to land, but what is going on with it's feet? do robins really have legs that long? can anybody enlighten me, or is it just a trick of the angle? looks like he is carrying one of those long grabbers that you pick up rubbish with!!!

wre are having a holiday day today, into Glasgow to a late afternoon showing of the new Danny Boyle movie 'Trance' followed by dinner at Jamie's Italian.

tomorrow I have a blipmeet with friedaquilter. We are going to see the Presonpans Tapestry, which is on display at New Lanark Visitor Centre and then take a look at the old graveyard.

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