Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Before you go ...

Today was a whirl of collecting belongings from all over the house, packing, checking for lost socks under beds, finding abandoned bobbles (for hair), text messages (to and from our son, who was to collect the girls) - and playing with Grandad. For among the baggage - which verily could have done with a camel train to carry it - our granddaughters  had brought their instruments. I was determined that there should be time for them to justify this, so today they were both up, clothed, packed and ready for some last time together on music. (We also found time to discuss school, maths -with special mention of trigonometry -  and the standard of writing that makes for a good Higher English paper.)

Then we were aware that their father's car was speeding along the M8, so it was into the car with all the stuff and off to the ferry. We had thought we might manage as foot passengers, but when we felt the weight of the bags we decided to splash out and take the car across to the other side. It was actually rather gorgeous on the Firth - I spent some time on deck taking photos like a tourist - and we were sufficiently expeditious at handover time that we managed to get back onto the same boat we'd come across on.

It's now almost midnight. The study is back to its usual self, beds all folded away and sheets laundered; the spare bedroom is for tomorrow. I received the second PCR test I ordered, carried it out, posted it in our designated postbox. My fridge is almost empty - I can't remember when it was last so bare. I will have to make (more) bread in the morning. My cold is truly the epic affliction being mentioned all over social media (and even The Telegraph) and I have taken to carrying around a box of tissues. We have had a plumbing/leak false alarm that I think was down to condensation because of all the showers being taken, but we have eaten, and dozed a little over Question Time. 

And the house feels very empty, and we're missing them. 

Ah well. Extra photo of the Firth of Clyde looking gorgeous.

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