Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Back to the Wall

Went for my weekly dose of these shenanigans this afternoon, which included another strange treatment where they hooked me up to electrical pulses that felt like little animals were creeping around on my back.
This time I got to see how they draw the blood (the cups in the previous blip are what's used to bring the blood up to the surface) as they did some on my front as well as my back.
They place a little glass cup over each area to create (slightly painful) suction, then slide in a needle which pulls up the blood and collects it in the cup.
The doc said my back issues had improved (which I could already tell) and when she pressed her thumb into the problem areas that were excrutiating last week, this time the pain was more mild.
And so a ton of acupuncture and a long heat treatment later, I was on my way (although not without a long list of yoga-like exercises to do seven times a day - on top of the others I'm already doing each hour).

I snapped this graffiti on the way home, the blue fencing is around the construction of the new 'Culture Complex' which looks like it might be a pretty nice space.
The complex will link our older neighbourhood to the edge of the downtown area, and a few nice cafes have already opened up near our house. With a bit of luck a few more may arrive once the complex is up and running.

Artists are free to decorate the walls surrounding the site, and thus I've blipped their handy work few times before:

1. Organized Chaos
2. Stand & Deliver
3. Sound Advice
4. Street SmArt

Make it bigger.

'Why is non commercial public expression considered criminal?'
- Shepard Fairey


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