The look of love

Early morning coffee with Stef!! We used to meet once or twice a week to have an early coffee before the day began, but with the kids off school for 3 months, Mitch suddenly being part of life, and visitors, we'd not got back into our routine... but today we picked it back up - hooray! 
This afternoon I headed to San An to help Stephen pack up the flat as he heard yesterday he needs to be out by Sunday night - eeeek. All hands on deck and a temporary housing place found.... Several hours flew by and the 2 of us got loads done. It's Danny's turn tomorrow and he'll be ferrying car loads of what we've packed up today.
Stephen came back for a late tea (pic was about 10pm) as we'd packed his kitchen away!
Mitch offered to keep an eye on the sleeping kids, so Danny and I popped out to see Claire, Todd and Stephen...and brilliant and unexpected hour or 2! Plus we saw Sole's husband, Chele!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Meeting an American girl on the bus...she's lived here for 1 month! Lovely lovely person, keen to volunteer and help out with the charity!
2) Caña Club and homeless friends willing to create a little sweets route for Nate to do tomorrow when he's dressed as a pirate.
3) Good chat with Stephen... and for the love between him and Nate.

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