
By HeartFreek

Now thats what I call an Easter Bonnet!

Day 88

Thought I'd start the East Weekend with an Easter Themed blip!

This 30 foot Chicken can be found on a round-a-bout in Dorking (because you can get Dorking Chickens!). I was quite surprised to find it festively dressed in an Easter Bonnet!!
I drove a good 5 miles past it before I thought I should go back and blip it!! So I did. Camera was dash mounted and fired whilst on the move - hence the poor quality!! But its fun.

Hectic morning helping Daughter Number 1 move MORE stuff from her old house, then met with my other Babies for Eggies and cake. Shall spend all afternoon jiggling our stuff about to fit Daughter Number 1's stuff in the house while she goes out having fun. But glad she is back to her happy self again.

Happy Easter all. Off to Stratford-Upon-Avon tomorrow for a fun filled weekend including Warwick Castle and Cadburys World. Yum! Hope it warms up a bit.


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