
It was quite wet. Made it out as far as the market without coughing this morning, and D went up the Kirkgate and got me a fresh bottle of pholcodine. I was pleased to see it was still available, since knowing it was manufactured in Ireland I thought there might have been a difficulty (aka a Brexit benefit). The new bottle appears to have the same formulation but was manufactured in....Huddersfield!

Checked another assignment in the afternoon, and made some sauerkraut. We were hoping to meet up with Ross for a pint up town after the rugby, but it was not to be due to....trains, etc. Shame, it would have been good to see his cheery gub again!

Found a quote from T.S.Eliot last night that I liked (when I was looking for something else of course) -

I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.

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