If You Could See Me Now


Roughy #2

Today was the start of term two at school, but I didn't go.

It appears that all my late nights and early starts have caught up with me.

But I actually had a fantastic sleep-in! -which never happens. It's that whole, "you'll be able to sleep in when you have to get up" thing.

But it'll be another early night for me tonight.

As for my book... I got to like page 200 and something, couldn't read anymore, it was all about war and bored me senseless, so I looked up the ending on google, and read the last few pages. -I'm a terrible person, and it's eating me up inside. I'm sooooo much of a goody-good and never cheat at anything - until now it would seem.

But I did manage to get about 500 photos for photography down to about 257 :)

This is another one of Roughy, who was sitting on top of the chickens cage/hutch thingy.

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