Two birds

Today started very wet - stair rods and horizontal wind. No1 stayed over last night but had an early start as she was meeting a friend for a hack in Surrey. Not keen as it was raining hard. We were at a lose end so I decided to clear out a cupboard as it was an indoor day. A couple of hours later and a box for the tip and the job was done. The sun came out and after OH had got back from seeing MIL we planned to have a walk. I also wanted to pop into town for a plastic sieve for my kefir (story for another day) so we decided to kill two birds with one stone. We thought about waking into town along the river but decided to cycle instead. The sun was out and it was a gentle couple of miles. Home for an early dinner and a relaxing evening after a satisfying day. Phone call from No.1 who said that despite the weather the ride was amazing - galloping along the Epsom Downs and the weather improved!

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