"Trick or Treat?"

This is what faced trick or treaters at our door this evening. They were asked "Would you like to see where I cook the children, Oh no, I meant, the cookies" MMMmmwwaaaaahahahahahaha
The first lot that came around got quite a fright because I'd just been around the side of the house to take something to the greenhouse. As I came through the side gate I could hear them coming and quickly pulled down the mask and put the hood up. 
As they came around from our neighbours I confronted them, cackling and giving the greeting above. 
I think what shocked them was that they hadn't even had a chance to knock on the door HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
It was the same when Buddy and Hendrix came around with Daniel and Joanne. They were at the door and I looked through the sitting room window, with the mask on. Buddy just froze and stared, he was genuinely worried, if not frightened, so I had to whip the mask up.
The twins, on Messenger video, immediately said 'Hello Grandad', despite the fact that I emerged from behind Marlane, with the mask on! Smart girls HAHAHAHAH

See my extra, Bella and Hetty back in the play park, you'd think nothing had ever happened yesterday!

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