
By randomgirl

Walking along the burn

My husband came out and accompanied me on my walk yesterday. I managed to persuade him, as the weather was actually sunny and dry - a change from the mainly miserable weather we've been having lately.

He really enjoyed it....as did I. He had never walked this route before or seen the beautiful, narrow twisty path that runs along the edge of Moniack burn as it passes close to the grounds of Achnagairn House.

It made a refreshing change for both of us, as I had somebody to talk and point things out to. I loved getting to show him all the interesting features and spots that have become so familiar to me and which I've photographed so many times!


Just wanted to say also, (as I haven't had time to reply to folk yet), that I was really grateful for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts that were thrown my way yesterday! It means a lot to me that my fellow blippers took the time to wish me well and give me such nice feedback. I'm limping along in my own slow lane, but it felt good to reach 200 blips at last. As well as loving going out and finding things to photograph, it's the fact that I can interact with and get such supportive, friendly (and often humorous!) feedback that keeps me enjoying my time on here so much.

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