Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

COP26 weather

Cop for that said the weather gods.

A nasty wet and windy day, gutters overflowing and when I went out in the only gap the  roads were awash!

We watched the opening  speeches from Glasgow COP26 on Sky News as BBC seem unable to NOT to talk over what is happening,  even the Skye piper.

Sir David Attenborough  has been reporting on the changes in the world most of his life and sounded so sad.

The mostly young women delegates from the countries already badly affected spoke well and the Kenyan lady was so brave to ask for a period of silence duting her 4 mintues.  I am sure there were a few tears.

Boris spoke of course, not about Jaws this time but James Bond saving the world, fine words. Those outside the Conference Centre suspect that is all they are, just the words.

In Other news:
It's November and I can't quite believe it.
I am trying to live in the moment  not the usual regrets of past failings and anxiety about my personal future BUT that would not make me any good at solving the issues. Long term plans are needed

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