Marsupium Photography

By magi

the future

Work in town today to catch up with the students to answer some questions with their assignment. I went for a quick walk with my colleague through the museum. The Lutz Pathfinder is a new exhibit. An autonomous pod that was tried out in Milton Keynes (I really must visit some time). I don't get it. Which problem is it solving? It is still a car (although a small one). It uses up space. It uses up resources. OK, so you could share cars and they would turn up where you need them without actually owning one. However, I think one of the big attractions of having a car is that it is an extension of your living space. All your stuff can travel around with you. They are also a status symbol. So it was never about just getting from A to B. Sadly, I can see the military use of them - fully autonomous and weaponised pod on the hunt for delinquents. 

Bonus doon yer tea graffiti on the way (see extra).

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