Seal Skin!

Had  a very frustrating time in the studio this after.....short story:  i had to make up one of my glazes....which of course i NEED tomorrow....and was 200 grams short of zinc a batch of 20,000 grams of glaze!!!   After a few calls and reaching out to the other potters in my area...i managed to find some (which i have to drive about an hour each way to borrow!).    but in the meantime, i was sure i had some on one of the shelves in the studio...some of the materials are nicely organized in containers, others just sit on the shelf in the bag they came in!!!   i tried to move one particular bag, the paper was disintegrating....and it contained a very powerful red iron oxide, not only very expensive but very RED!!!!   and it starting spilling all over my table and shelves!   i was non too happy i can tell you!!!

So after all that mess, Terry and headed down to Englishtown beach as per usual, wine, cheese etc., and as we started walking on the beach we noticed an eagle not far up ahead, right on the beach!!   When we got closer (and of course the eagle took off) we found a dead seal....a big part of it's innards already taken away....and some other rather gross aspects of its demise!   But i couldn't help marvelling at the beautiful pattern on it's coat!   So that's what we have here!!

Tom's pizza for dinner!

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