Blood whey fungus

I don't know if Blood Whey fungus is the correct English name, but with us, it's called that or ordinary tree wart.
The common tree wart has a fruiting body that resembles small pebbles in shape. It is full-shaped or pincushion-shaped and is 3-15 mm in size. He stands alone or in groups. The fruiting body is initially soft and light pink later turns red-grey and then yellow-brown to blackish. When ripe, it cracks unevenly and releases spore dust. The globular spores are 6 to 7.5 micrometers wide, initially pinkish-grey, later pale ocher.

The characteristic pink-red spheres are formed in the vegetative phase from orange to vermilion colored slices of plasmodium. In the reproductive stage, the organism becomes grayish or brownish, filled with a gray mass of spores.
The blood whey fungus is a saprophyte that occurs on dead wood of deciduous and coniferous trees. It can be found during all seasons. The genus Lycogala contains a total of five species that can be distinguished with certainty on the basis of microscopic characteristics.

The blood whey fungus is common in all parts of the world. It is very common in the Low Countries.

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