
By Skysea7

Rain-washed sky

Yet another day of sunny intervals and really heavy showers.  Everything everywhere feels so WET!

I am fed up with Boris's fine speeches at the COP 26.  He sounds SO convincing.  Yet the only grants for electric cars a while back was for £10K off  the expensive ones - one being a Tesla costing £30K.  If you can afford such a car you surely don't need a grant!

 This Govt gave home insulation grants last year, but the insulation had to be done by accredited Govt approved people.  Here in Cornwall there were none of these people available, so no one could get grants for insulation.  That grant has now been withdrawn!  And why doesn't Boris help with solar panels on the rooves of peoples' houses?

Heat pumps for boilers - the money available will not cover all the people with boilers who would want the heat pumps.  And for people like me, with only night storage heating and NO boiler - what help is there?  Yet Boris continues with his fine words - but where is the real action?  And he's allowing a new coal mine to be opened in the UK - his excuse is that he can't control what local councils decide!

He could if he wanted to!

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