Supermarket Sunset

Shot on the way there.  An FB friend recently posed a question -- Do we experience 'road rage' pushing our carts?  I said that this isn't applicable to me because, normally, I don't push a cart.  Carts were mandatory in the strict days of lockdown because they helped with social distancing and were regularly disinfected.  Afterwards, I just returned to my old system of carrying my grocery bag.  With the car, or on foot, I have a little rule for myself -- whatever is too heavy for me is too much.  I might stretch that a little bit if I have the car because it's just a short walk to the parking lot.  I like doing my errands on foot, though, so an overweight bag would be demotivating.  A reasonable weight helps me exercise as well, and makes my walk a little more mindful, like when I take my camera.

Largely rainy today, and then it cleared up.  We ordered our tiles and they should be ready for pick-up after some eight working days, which, rounded off, means half November.  In the evening, AW was able to drive himself to Tuesday live bridge.  His back is heaps better, but, knowing him, I know he'll make a false move again before the year is up.  Can't be helped, life goes on.  In the meantime, hoping for fairer skies tomorrow.

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