
By WilsonsNewDad


Some time before dawn, Wilson burst into my room in a state of great agitation.
'New Dad wake up!' he shouted, repeatedly, until I could no longer credibly feign unconsciousness.
'New Dad – What's the date?' he demanded urgently.
Thinking this must be an ill-timed joke, I sat up, rubbed my eyes and said, 'I don't know – what's the date?'
'I don't know!' he shouted, 'That's what I'm asking you!
'Do you know what time it is?' I demanded, but he was barely listening…
'No, I don't' he replied, 'but come on, think – this is urgent – what is today's date?'
I groaned, located and woke my iPhone, consulted it and announced, 'It's the third of November. Can I go back to sleep now?'
But the agitated anteater clapped his paws to his head, groaned despairingly and confided through quivering lips, 'This is a catastrophe – we've missed Halloween!'

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