resting place

On our Camino, we often had to resist acquiring extra baggage, and were usually trying hard to lose, leave behind or give away stuff we didn't really need (a useful life lesson if ever there was one!).

One hot day, we passed through Conimbriga, which has The best preserved Roman Ruins in Portugal. We didn't have time to visit, but we stopped off at the museum for a sello (stamp) and had a nice conversation with the woman behind the desk. As we were leaving, she gave us each a small stone with the Camino shell sign on it. I carried this stone in my bag for the rest of the camino, trying not to think about its extra weight on my back :-)

On our way home, I thought of a good place for the stone to end its journey and today I placed it on my friend's grave. There is a long tradition of leaving stones on graves.

It has been a lovely sunny day..Nick left to drive back home and the roofers came and did what they could before the weather turns wet again.  The warmth of the sun brought out the bees who live in the roof space but they were very gentle and didn't sting. Sarah ran up Criffel with a friend and I walked up to the Waterloo Monument. Now its time to think about making the tea.

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