Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Busy day...

A bitterly cold day and a mouth full of cold sores and budding ulcers.  Why did she make me go to the dentists yesterday?  Nothing wrong with the dentist, it's just I react badly to being tortured.  I stayed indoors.

So today has been a book writing day.  Added another few pages to my West Coast Motors tome.  Four of the six just needed a bit of tweaking but two were completely rewritten and look better for it.  And I learned something new as a result.  The 1982 Alexander Dash bodied Dennis Darts that West Coast Motors acquired from Stagecoach when they bought the Isle of Bute services from a Argyll and Bute Council in 1994 had a headlight issue. The fading, rusting lamps themselves were made with the same lenses that British Leyland used in their Austin Maestro and they were of doubtful quality - allegedly.  They were out of stock by 2004?   I knew it - you're gobsmacked aren't you!  

Such information can keep us transport enthusiasts interested for hours.

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