It Started as an Ordinary Day

This morning I drove Ellie to Ballet and saw this scene while stopping at a stop sign. I wondered if the tow truck driver wanted to spend more time waiting because there were several open lanes, and he chose the long line. Why would he do that?  This is the only photo I took today.

I drove Ellie home, but I was returning home when I got a phone call saying my son was being transported to the hospital because he had had a significant seizure. After many tests,  a brain tumor was discovered, and he will be getting a body scan to see if he has more tumors. He has never had a seizure before; luckily, he was not alone, but still, this is scary. I am sad and scared. I am grateful that I could see our son, hug him and cry together as we spoke of the hopeful best outcomes. The tumor could be benign and easy to remove. It could be the only tumor! Praying.

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