
Confused the birds today - I moved the feeder!
They milled around the hanging feeders looking towards where it had been, went back and forth to the fence where they they used to wait for me to come and put the food out, and looked generally confused.
It only took 20 minutes, however, for the Starlings to spot it and move in for a feed. The Sparrows soon followed but it took the Collared Doves more than two hours  to pluck up the courage to land. (See extra) Could be they need the fence or a longer flight in - I may move it along to the corner where there is no Ivy, just fence.
The reason for moving it is that it is time to cut the Buddleia back drastically (only got a light trim in the spring due to lockdown last autumn) so I want the small birds to get used to using the Ivy to hide in when there is no greenery on the Buddleia. I am sure several families of Sparrows have taken up residence in there which I am very pleased about.

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